Friday, January 15, 2010

Alternative Menstrual Products Do Reusable Menstrual Cups And Pads Really Work As Well As Tampons?

Do reusable menstrual cups and pads really work as well as tampons? - alternative menstrual products

How vegan is the use of tampons and pads. I remember learning about the alternatives in my quest for reusable pads or tampons companies were not tested on animals (in general). In trying to think now reusable alternatives. I happened to see this video on YouTube about a couple who use reusable nappies for their children. I'm too young, but when I have children one day I will surely use reusable nappies.

Then I started thinking, why not waste any stamps and paper towels? I think trying to save sick in other ways to make money (currently in a foundation in, so no need for a lot of extra money left lol) waste. In trying to go to other products on this page:

My question is why women find a better or worse than the bottleneck in the performance and keep clean your genital area? In reality, only with sleeping pills, usually using tampons in an attempt to disturb me bowl. are so large. How does it work?


GRITS said...

wtf I've never in my life seen anything like that before! I went to your site, just to see, and I'm surprised, actually come out with something! OMG! What really works? The Moon Cup Little Thing? I do not see how!

Anonymous said...

I had a Diva Cup (about the same as the Moon Cup) for years. This is the greatest thing that ever changing, never again. It works, but perhaps a little difficult to depend on the initial tests, after which you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anonymous said...

I had a Diva Cup (about the same as the Moon Cup) for years. This is the greatest thing that ever changing, never again. It works, but perhaps a little difficult to depend on the initial tests, after which you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anonymous said...

I had a Diva Cup (about the same as the Moon Cup) for years. This is the greatest thing that ever changing, never again. It works, but perhaps a little difficult to depend on the initial tests, after which you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anonymous said...

I had a Diva Cup (about the same as the Moon Cup) for years. This is the greatest thing that ever changing, never again. It works, but perhaps a little difficult to depend on the initial tests, after which you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anonymous said...

I had a Diva Cup (about the same as the Moon Cup) for years. This is the greatest thing that ever changing, never again. It works, but perhaps a little difficult to depend on the initial tests, after which you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anonymous said...

wtf I've never in my life seen anything like that before! I went to your site, just to see, and I'm surprised, actually come out with something! OMG! What really works? The Moon Cup Little Thing? I do not see how!

Anonymous said...

wtf I've never in my life seen anything like that before! I went to your site, just to see, and I'm surprised, actually come out with something! OMG! What really works? The Moon Cup Little Thing? I do not see how!

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