What are things that could be done to help the economy, but bigots refuse to see its potential? - 50th wedding program examples
If you think you want the answer to my question, I collected responses for lawful purposes and is not connected. These include responses intolerance for any reason (religion, tradition, etc.), because it cons-productive.
There are so many positive things to be done to help the economy and people. Examples:
Gay Marriage: Dr. MV Lee Badgett University of Massachusetts, the research assessed the potential impact on the business of legalizing gay marriage is 2 billion U.S. dollars for the industry of marriage alone.
A 2004 Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Report on the impact of that 1.2 million Americans in the same-sex household in the census of 2000 to get married and believes that the impact is relatively low with regard to the huFederal GE. While some would increase spending on federal programs, these costs would be offset by savings in other areas of spending. The report predicts that if gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states and before the federal government, the Government of the United States, a surplus of U.S. $ 1 billion per year over the next 10 years.
The legalization of pot: In California, wants Tom Ammiano Assembly, D-San Francisco, taxing the state to regulate all pot like alcohol. State Board of Equalization Chairwoman Betty Yee, a supporter of bills has $ 990 million per year on costs generated $ 50 per ounce for the retail sector and 392 million euros in sales taxes. (However, the state attracts each year 18 million U.S. dollars of taxes on medical marijuana.)
Imagineat the federal level.
Other ideas on how this could really help us that progress is not only socially but also economically?
I have a problem with the taxation of medical marijuana. What drugs are taxed. The comparison with alcohol is a comparison between the poor, in fact, as only a few short-term and the medical value of a glass of vodka.
This is allowed because of the effects of psychotropic drugs? I do not think as much as 1 / 3 of mind-altering drugs in a way.
So, what remains: the reality is who is willing to pay a fee to "high". they have to leave medical pot specifically for them, and then a card that cost more $ $ to buy to get the pot. In my opinion it is a slippery slope for gravel all prescriptions in the U.S. is already the most expensive in the world.
My opinion of same-sex marriage is that everyone shouAP have the same rights as heterosexuals in order to be unhappy. Discrimination is wrong in most cases. I would not have a person convicted of sex crimes while my children ... Discrimination against me? Yes, but with merit
Fires in government and 90% of all state employees.
Thus, the taxes can be reduced by 70%, so that the economy a huge boost.
All suffocation, and the intrusion of the cons-productive government in daily life and the economy have been arrested on the increase as well.
And of course, stupid ideas like yours would not apply which would be a good thing.
legalize the sale of organs from living donors. I've heard that you tapeless worth $ 250K "parts" of man.
People should stop buying foreign cars subjected to brainwashing.
Buy American!
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