Monday, February 8, 2010

How Long Does Chicken Pox Virus Live In The Air For Chicken Pox Via A Third Person? A Worried Colleague Is Avoiding Me Even Though It's My Kid Who's Sick.

Chicken pox via a third person? A worried colleague is avoiding me even though it's my kid who's sick. - how long does chicken pox virus live in the air for

I had the chicken pox virus when she was young, and I'm immune. I think my colleague too. However, if my child is infected, and prevent his colleague. His partner is pregnant and worry about complications with your unborn child care, if they wanted to take.

I read that the transfer of air, is sometimes caused by contact with wounds. Each virus physically hanging on my skin probably not have long to live, and certainly not more than 30 minutes on the site.

I am almost sure that there is no real threat to my colleague. Are there any reliable sources on the Internet to initiate the peace of mind?


junkmail said...

I think the boy may have reason for concern. Here is a website ...

That's what she said

The duration of long-term protection against varicella is unknown, but now people are vaccinated more than thirty years, no signs of waning immunity, while others are vulnerable in only 6 years. Reviews of the duration of immunity in a natural environment where the disease is still common and usually results in difficult to overestimate the effectiveness, and only now that we are entering a time in the United United States, where the long-term efficacy of the vaccine against chickenpox can be accurately measured [10].

It is also what he says,

[Edit] Symptoms and signs
Chickenpox is very contagious and spreads from person to person by direct contact or through the air from an infected person coughs or sneezes. Touching the fluid from vesicles may also spread the disease. A person with chickenpox is contagious from 1-2 days before the rash, until all blistres are strikebreakers. This can be 5-10 days. [1] It will take 10-21 days after contact with an infected person to develop chickenpox. [2]

Complications for the fetus is also alleged

[Edit] malformations in infants
This can occur if the mother of the child is exposed to VZV during pregnancy. Effects of fetal abnormalities may take the form of minimal, but physically different, they gravity under your feet and toes, severe anal and bladder malformation. Possible problems:

Injury of the brain: encephalitis, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, aplasia of brain
Damage to the eye (optic stalk, optic cup and lens vesicles), microphthalmia, cataracts, chorioretinitis, optic atrophy.
Another neurological disorder: damage to cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord, motor or sensory deficits, the absence of tendon reflexes, anisocoria / Horner 's syndrome
Damage to body: hypoplasia of the disturbance upper and lower extremities, the anal sphincter and bladder
Skin: Zig Zag (SCAR), skin changes, hypopigmentation

Wendy said... (o. org)
Medical Dictionary (Mosby's be doctors and nurses)

nanook57... said...

If you have had chickenpox, he can carry the virus and can pass on.I understand why your colleague is concerned that chickenpox is dangerous for an unborn child.

Varicella (chickenpox) is a highly contagious viral infection that causes a rash current. Varicella infection occurs throughout the year, usually in winter and spring. About 90% of people worldwide are infected with chickenpox at some point in their lives if they have not received the vaccine against chickenpox. 1 United in the States, especially of chickenpox is a disease of children. In other countries (especially in tropical countries), chickenpox occurs mainly in adults.

In healthy children, chickenpox is usually not a serious disease, although its severity varies from person to person. Chickenpox is usually more frequent and severe complications in pregnant women who have babies, people over 15 years and older and persons whose immune systems.

Bacterial infections of the skin is the most common complication in children less thaN 5 This can occur after scratching the rash, which can be bacteria on the skin or under fingernails to one infected chickenpox blisters. Most infections of the skin resulting from chickenpox is not serious, but require the attention of a nurse. Other possible complications are a problem of muscle coordination (acute cerebellar ataxia), when the virus attacks the brain. It is a benign disease. Although rare, affecting more for older children.

In adults, the most common complication of varicella pneumonia. 20 and 30 of 10,000 adults who required hospitalization varicella contract. 1

Children, women, chickenpox in the first or early second trimester of pregnancy can be congenital varicella syndrome, birth defects, such as eye development can cause problems, or a member of the underdeveloped had born.

Once you have chickenpox, you are considered immune, but you get a serious infection again, but you can get a mild infection (called a phase-infection). Generally, if the virus becomes active, will not cause chicken pox, but cCause herpes zoster or shingles.

Hope this helps

dances with unicorns said...

Never heard of third-person transmission of varicella, measles, and his pregnant partner is German, the danger is not chicken pox. It appears that your colleague is a bit too cautious, but some people. Enter a bottle of hand sanitizer for Christmas.

popo dean said...

nanook570 is just across the street.

It is better so sorry to store.

Evo said...

Hello .............
No one is immune from any kind of virus definition. Therefore, it is normal that your colleague is away from you, he will only happen in the worst case, could not avoid mentioning that he / she has a partner, who now designs.
You can not underestimate the effect of infection with the virus even if it infects your computer when you can transform a child because of his ability, a mutation, the most lethal.
Then, continue to be patient. His colleague, simply the best.

Want your child better soon!

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