Monday, February 1, 2010

Ringworm Vs Eczema Pictures Toothpaste Vs Ringworm?

Toothpaste vs Ringworm? - ringworm vs eczema pictures

Recently, I applied toothpaste (Colgate) on my affected area of the moth do not see the effects until I woke up. I found that the toothpaste has soaked the area and get rid of small white bumps. It has also helped reduce the redness of the region, but the moth is now even easier to see and smoothing of the region. So if you toothpaste RUB moth in the region and do not remove it for about 12 hours, it is easy to wash.

It feels better than vinegar rubbed on the infected area.


34th B.G. - USAAF said...

To practice as a doctor without a license is a misdemeanor in this state. If a person suspected of having ringworm - Go to your doctor.

Duisend-... said...

Ringworm is very removed, very difficult. If you have ringworm, you should see your doctor in tablet form and learn to take, too. I know they are very expensive in SA. That's all that helped. He also leaves and spores should be washed all that you are regularly in contact [including towels, washcloths, etc.]. Another thing is that it is very catchy and if you are in contact with animals, people, etc., can also for you. Nothing can be rid of him, clean no matter how much toothpaste, you need to get the tabs for this special. Once you dye your hair, hair loss in patches, so be careful not to touch her hair. From experience here, my daughter had a cat with ringworm and all his end. It was terrible, we had to wash the leaves with hot water every day, wash the curtains, carpets everywhere, the kitten. Take care.

PS. If you have ringworm of one of their animals, the animals must be treated well.:)

quibbley said...

Go take a 2-dollar paint Tinactin for athletes foot.

Granny said...

Interesting. The application of the lichen of the toothpaste is also effective to get rid of toothpaste. I added some Aunt Pauline and threw him and he said it was disgusting.

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